Terms & Conditions

Terms & Condition: July 01, 2023 

danielddwilliams.com - Website

General Rule - Purpose & Agreement

This agreement is a contract between you and this website danielddwilliams.com, its owner – Daniel Dalton Williams – ( Our, We, Us), together with any documents they expressly incorporate by reference (collectively, these “Terms of Use”). This also includes your access to and use of danielddwilliams.com including, but not limited to, any content, functionality and services offered on or through this website danielddwilliams.com, whether as a guest or a registered user.

Please read this Terms of Use carefully before you start to use the Website. By using this Website or by clicking to accept or agreeing to the Terms of Use, including Privacy Policy and Disclaimer, when this option is made available to you, you accept and agree to be bound and abide by the contract. If, at any time or for any reason, you are displeased or dissatisfied with any portion of this website, including its privacy policy or disclaimer, your remedy is to immediately discontinue any usage of this website or any of its services or content provided by this site.

Changes to the Terms of Use

This contract supersedes all the previous notices and statements regarding our “Terms of Use” with respect to our site and reserves the right to revise and update any part of this contract when desired. All changes shall come into effect on the date when posted on this website. We will not be liable if for any reason all or any part of the Website is unavailable or restricted at any time or for any period. It is the user’s sole responsibility to check this page from time to time to become conversant with any changes made. We reserve the right to temporarily suspend any portion of this website due to changes, detect, or communication interruption.

Privacy Policy

All users of this website are subjected to Privacy Policy stated on the website danielddwilliams.com. Please review our Privacy Policy, which also governs the Website and informs users of our data collection practices. Your continued usage of this website indicates that you have read and agreed to the Privacy Policy, hereby incorporated into these Terms of Use.


Your use of the Website is also subject to the Disclaimer as stated on this website. Please review our Disclaimer, which also governs the Website and informs users of various limitations regarding the information provided on the Website. Your agreement to the Disclaimer is hereby incorporated into these Terms of Use.

Educational and Informational Purpose Only

As stated in the disclaim, all information made available to the public, including contents and services, are for educational and informational purposes only. The user shall not, under any circumstances, assume or use of as a substitute for any other purposes, such as, but not limited to, legal, financial, tax, health, medical, occupational or any other professional advice. All users must conduct due diligence and use any of the services made available on this website at their own discretion. All users are solely responsible for the outcome of any principle or and/or suggestions applied or made available on this website. All information, services, and materials are provided “AS IS” and “AS AVAILABLE’ without warranty of any kind, expressed or implied. You use this site and online services at your own discretion and risk.


You agree to indemnify, defend and hold harmless, the owner of this site, its employees, or representatives of each from any liability, losses, claims, suits, damages and expenses, including but not limited to, attorney’s fees and expenses, related to your violation of these terms of use, including its Privacy Policy and Disclaimer.

Account Usage & Security 

The use of any content available on this website, such as, but not limited to, resources, interactive features, and contents are governed by our Privacy Policy. ‍Users may voluntarily provide information or sign up for service as desired. It is the user’s responsibility to ensure that all personal and security information provided on this website are kept confidential and accurately represents who they are and not someone else. As a user, you acknowledge that your information is personal to you and notify us immediately of any unauthorized access to or use of your email or personal information or any other breach of security. We reserve the right to block your IP access to our website, email or other identifier at any time in our sole discretion for any or no reason, including if, in our opinion, you have violated any provision of these Terms of Use.

No Unlawful Use

Copyrights and other applicable laws protect the services and materials appearing on the site or online services. Materials on this site and online services may be accessed, downloaded or printed for the non-commercial or educational purposes only and/or within the scope permissible by these terms and conditions. All other uses of these materials shall only be used with written consent from the owner, Daniel Dalton Williams, current employee or agent assigned by the owner. Users may not access or use this website, including all the resources available for download, for any purpose that is unlawful or prohibited by these Terms of Use.

All copyrights, logos, graphics, images, names or services, as well as he complication therefore, may not be used in advertising, publicity or otherwise, to indicate an endorsement, sponsorship or any unauthorized business relationship without any permission from the owner, Daniel Dalton Williams, current employee or agent assigned by the owner. Any and all unauthorized use of this website or online services will be subjected to the law. You are not permitted to utilize this website or any of the publicly available content for any purpose that may cause danger, harm, damage, overburden, or interference with the normal operation of any entity or its activities.

All Communication

By submitting your personal information on this site, you consent to receive electronic communication from the owner or any of its appointed employees. You also agree that all agreements, notices, disclosed, and any other information provided by you, via email or on this website, satisfy any and all legal requirements and in accordance with its Terms of Use, Disclaimer and Privacy Policy as stated on this website. 

Any communication made via email and/or on this website, including communications made between users and us, does not create a business relationship or any contractual relationship. We respect your privacy and have taken all necessary precautions to ensure maximum security, however, we do not guarantee that we would not be required to disclose such communications when required by the state, law or court order.

User's Submission

All users are responsible for all submissions, such as, but not limited to (collectively “submissions”), comments, posts, images, payment, voluntarily inputted, submitted or provided to us on this website. Although this website shall not claim any ownership of the material you provided, including, but not limited to, feedback or suggestions, we reserve the right, without consent, to- copy, post, duplicate, amend, transmit, reproduct, translate or publish your submission, including your name. You shall not be compensated for any submission you made. We reserve the right to delete any submission made by the users without consent.

Access Restriction & Refund

The courses or materials available on this website may be offered as either free or paid options. We reserve the right to modify and restrict access to any content on this website without seeking explicit approval or consent from its users. However, as a professional courtesy, we will provide users with timely notifications regarding any such changes that may occur. Please note that all donations or payments made are non-refundable. However, users retain the ability to cancel payment plans or memberships according to their preferences.

Guest & Affiliates/Third Parties 

Certain services provided on this website may involve affiliations with third parties. It is the sole responsibility of all users to conduct thorough investigations and research regarding any information presented on this website, whether provided by the owner, employees, or guests. By utilizing affiliated links provided on this website, we may receive a percentage of commission. Individuals or guests who agree to participate as guests in any podcast featured on this website acknowledge and agree to transfer all intellectual property rights they may possess in such interviews to the website. Additionally, they grant a license for any rights they are unable to assign.

International Use

This website operates within the United States, offering its services and resources to users. It is the sole responsibility of users to comply with all applicable local laws in their respective countries. The website, along with its owner, employees, affiliates, or representatives, cannot be held liable for any negligence, prohibited use, or violations committed by users. Users are accountable for their own actions and must ensure adherence to the relevant laws and regulations.


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