Godly Success and Worldly Success

Godly Success Vs Worldly Success

E.P 1 – We discuss the difference between “Godly Success” and “Worldly Success”, and the benefits of pursuing eternal success above all else.

Worldly Success

In this generation, the concept of “success” differs from person to person. This has created several controversial philosophies and ideologies around success. However, understanding the differences between Godly Success and Worldly Success is crucial for your success journey.

Worldly success primarily focuses on external achievements and fulfillment. These external factors are career accomplishments, financial status and social recognition. It focuses on “SELF” rather than the “GIVER” (GOD). 

The desperate pursuit of worldly success IS VERY COSTLY. It lacks divine fulfillment, contentment, and a sense of purpose. This eventually leads to brokenness, depression and a lack of self satisfaction in our lives. We can never achieve a sense of fulfillment and accomplishment when we become desperate for fame, popularity and money.

Godly Success

While the world defines success as “a concept that is different for every person,” the definition of a Godly success brings us to a deeper understanding of true success. Godly success makes Christ the center our lives. 

Unlike worldly success, Godly success changes things AROUND and WITHIN you. God’s desire for us is to be “spiritually saved” (1 Peter 3:9-10) and to be physically blessed (Jeremiah 29:11, Proverbs 10:22). We will discuss what this actually means in the next episode.

However, a true Christian does not serve the Lord in order to receive material rewards from Him. As humans, we are undeserving of His love, but because of His unfailing love for us (1 John 4:10, John 3:16), He has made us worthy of His immeasurable love through His son Jesus. He wants to have a relationship with us, if only we are willing to repent and accept Him into our lives.

God’s blessings are not limited to material riches as we often think. The world wants us to pursue a camouflage of true success, but God wants us to securely store our riches in heaven (Matthew 6:19-21), a place where it will be permanent. But a lot of people today are desperately chasing temporal achievements rather than chasing eternal rewards.

Christ is the foundation any true success

Let’s get practical and consider the various aspects involved in building a house. The foundation is the most important part of any building. No matter how appealing it may look outwardly, if the foundation is weak, it will not last. It will not only destroy you, but it will also destroy those around you. This is why engineers and architects work tirelessly to ensure that the foundation is strong enough to hold the building.

Equally, our spiritual success is the fundamental pillar upon which personal growth and fulfillment must be built. Any other foundation outside of Christ is detrimental to our success. But the world does not want us aware of this.

Worldly success is often centered around materialistic and selfish gains, including fame, popularity and money. The pursuit of these things are not necessarily wrong. However, when your ultimate desire becomes materialistic rather than pursuing Christ, all your pursuit becomes meaningless. It will not only destroy you but also those around you.

Benefits of Godly Success

  • Refinement:  When God empowers you to succeed, everything around you and within you changes. You learn how to navigate life’s challenges with grace and faith. 
  • Sense of purpose: Pursuing spiritual success above all ignites within you a sense of purpose. This would help you realize the profound joy and satisfaction that comes from a flourishing spiritual life.
  • Contentment and Peace: The blessing of the Lord brings joy and adds no sorrow. When you keep your eyes on the spiritual prize, you will cherish your relationship with the GIVER (GOD) rather than the blessings itself. 
  • Light of hope: We are blessed so we can be a blessing to others. Your experiences would become a shining light of hope and love to those around us. This would help you identify your divine purpose and recognize the fulfillment that comes from it.

Brethren, world success is only a camouflage to true success, which is only found in Christ. Therefore, focusing on your spiritual life is paramount if you want to truly succeed.

Next Episode:

Does God want us to succeed in all aspects of our lives?

This is a question that baffles many Christians. Join us in the next episode as we dive into what the scripture says about success and how it relates to God’s plan for our lives.

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